Thursday, October 4, 2007

I killed numbers

Yes, haha im exceptionally happy today. Yes. I avenged my soul, finally! I nailed em effing bastards in A Math TODAY YA'LL. Okay well, maybe not really the 'nailed em real bad' situation but rather the 'nailed em so-so bad' situation. Thank you, carelessness. Bah but i'll probably get a decent 60? hmm..? Well, yeah i know, itssnotssassgoods as A1 but well, beats 27 big time. or was it 37, does it really matter though? haha. People judge a person by their ability to improve, the saying goes. Yeah well, 30 marks alot even though im still lagging a little. I sound so philosiphical.

Well, guess my sciences went pretty well(chem and bios more or less contextual knowledge), EXCEPT for physics. I don't want to talk about it. Yes, killed by physics. bah. Killed by common sense, logic. I can't help it, im illogical.

Next challenge, to kill chinese characters. To CLB? OVER MY DEAD BODY MAN. NO CLB FOR ME. I hope. hopefully. Ah my posts done.

yk outzzxzxzx

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